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Are Germs Real?

Yes, they are. Not only are they real, but they’re alive and a lot more complex than we think. According to WebMD, “Unlike you, they can be just about everywhere at once. And when it comes down to hand-to-hand combat, you may be too rushed or tired or just have better things to do. They don't.”*

Germs live on any and all surfaces. Although not all are harmful, the ones that are can lead to a multitude of diseases that ultimately make you think, “where did I go wrong?”. And the worst part is, we have the potential to pass those harmful germs to our loved ones. “Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by insects or other animals. And you may get others by consuming contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment.”**

Although fighting millions of microscopic enemies all at once may seem overwhelming, it will all be alright. Why? Because we have the ability to fight smart, not hard. Even WebMD admits it, “You can take down some serious germ strongholds in a half-hour or less a day.”* Now, let’s cut to the chase. For the people serious about winning the war against the germs, get your secret weapon HERE.

