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Does Disinfecting Matter?

It seems like 2020 is the year most of the world decided that we must stay clean, and disinfect EVERYTHING. So, the question is, does disinfecting actually matter?

Despite what most people would like to hear, it is. Germs can live on surfaces anywhere between 24 hrs-14 days, so either you get them… or they get you. What do the experts have to say about it?

Cleaning and disinfection (C&D) involves the use of physical or chemical processes to reduce, remove, inactivate, or destroy pathogenic microorganisms. C&D procedures are crucial in controlling the spread or transfer of microorganisms between animals, between locations, or to people. The potential for spread or transfer of microorganisms can occur from the direct or indirect contamination of equipment, facilities, vehicles, people and the movement of animals or animal products.” *

The bottom line is, disinfecting your home and work environment has been essential since day one. 2020 has just been the year people were forced to re-evaluate. If you truly care about your loved ones, and want to keep your environment a cleaner, healthier space for personal or business use, click HERE.
